Somerset RC is a multi-interest model airplane club. We have all types of aircraft including glow, gas, electric, scale, 3D, sport flying, and Pattern. The models vary in size from small electric to 40% gas. Unfortunately, turbines are not allowed. We all love to just come out, kick back, and spend some time, sharing stories with fellow modelers. We have several events for club members and offer free instruction to members. So, come on out and be a part of our club.
Meetings are 7:00 pm every last Tuesday of the month at
American Legion
707 legion Place
Middlesex, NJ 08846
for more information contact:
Tim Cullen
President Somerset RC
355 Milltown Rd,
Bridgewater, NJ, 08807-7020 ( 40.579193, -74.678164)
2025 Holiday Party
The Holiday Party was a great success. The Elk’s Lodge was a new venue for us and it seemed like everyone enjoyed the new atmosphere. Food was delicious, Tony’s annual year end video in review once again was a hit, and Domecq’s “Airplane Man” touched on the fun moments of flying at Northbranch.
Thank you to everyone who helps make our club successful and fun for all. Dave’s diner has been the mainstay of practically every event and this year Dave was our “Man of the Year” recipient. Our thanks to all his contributions to Somerset Signal Senders and Somerset RC.
Pictures in the Gallery
2024 Larry Gray Memorial Warbirds over North Branch
2024 Larry Gray Memorial Warbirds over North Branch on September 14th was a great success. lots of flying, talk and good food from Dave's gourmet dinner
Thanks everyone who helped to make this a fun event
pictures in the gallery
2024 Big Bird Fly In
Well, the 2024 big bird went off but not without a hitch. we got caught in a TFR from Bedminster seems Trump was in the area but after 1:00 all was well, and we all had a great time. Thanks to everyone who participated and made this possible
Pictures in the gallery at the end of the page
2024 Opening Day
Our Opening Day had a great turnout. You couldn’t have asked for better weather. We had probably 20+ flyers during the day. Thanks to all the folks who helped out.
Two cadets, Adam Reitmeyer and Daniel Quisbert from Franklin HS, participated in the Flag raising ceremony. It looked like everyone had a good time.
Picture's in the Gallery
The 2025 Dues are $35.00
Checks should be made out to Somerset RC and mailed to:
Dave Szabo
12 Shoshoni Way
Branchburg NJ 08876
or you can make payments to our PayPal account:
PS: If you are paying via PayPal, please link the payment to your bank account and not a credit card,
otherwise, PayPal takes a 3% cut.
Here is the link to renew/register your airplane with the FAA. Every airplane is considered a drone by the FAA so when they say DRONE it applies to all. Use "Recreation" when you register/renew. Also, info about the AMA renewal/registration is in "Good Day Prospective Member" at the end of the page, under "Club Documents". just download the pdf.
2025 Somerset RC Event Schedule
Model Expo at American Legion Hall 4/29
Opening Day 5/24
Tri County Fun Fly 6/7
Big Bird Fly-In 7/19 (Sanction has already been submitted and approved)
Electric Fly 8/9 (Sanction has already been submitted and approved)
Larry Gray Memorial Warbird 9/13 (Sanction has already been submitted and approved)
Fall Picnic 10/11
Turkey Fly 11/15
355 Milltown Road, Bridgewater, New Jersey 08807, United States
contact: Tim Cullen President Somerset RC 908-347-8060
2023 local flying events schedule